Tag: online


Carnivore Chat for Women

Let’s chat all things carnivore: health, weight, exercise, and mindset. This group is on Sunday evenings at 8pm EST, women only. It will be a place to talk about things we have found that works – to share our knowledge with one another.

You must RSVP at suzi@meathealedme.com

A little bit about me: I have been a strict carnivore since July 2022 and healed many things. Through becoming carnivore, I learned that I was an addict and not very in touch with my feelings. So, when I got rid of sugar, processed foods, and plants, my mind cleared and I became euphoric. Maybe it was the fat too?

Anyway, the love between my husband I skyrocketed and we were like kids again. So in love. Then he died 4 months later. Since then I have been re-discovering myself while walking through the deep trenches of grief. And recently, I discovered that I have CIRS, a mold illness. I am currently seeing Dr. Lawson and being advised by the Nutrition with Judy team. Soon, I am starting NwJ Mind Body program, which includes limbic training.

I believe community and connection is core in healing and I hope to see you on Sunday evenings. Questions? Email me at suzi@meathealedme.com

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Info and registration at event website: https://cancerevolution.events/

The first virtual conference dedicated to metabolic, lifestyle, and nutritional therapies for cancer prevention and treatment. Speakers include Drs. Thomas Seyfried, Bruce Lipton, Jason Fung, Valter Longo, Nasha Winters, Zsófia Clemens, Colin Champ, Ben Azadi, Mindy Pelz, Satchin Panda, and dozens more.

– Stream CANCER/EVOLUTION: Join the World Premiere of Episode 1: The Dustbin of History
– Hear cutting-edge presentations & join live Q&As with 35+ leaders in the field of keto and metabolic cancer treatment
– Engage in community forums to connect with cancer practitioners, patients and caregivers
– Discover vetted products & services committed to healing