Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEIcompleted a Biochemical Engineering degree in 1990. He has since spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions and was shortlisted in 2015 as one of the top 6 of 500 applicants for “Irish Chartered Engineer of the Year”. Ivor’s career specialty has been leading large worldwide teams in complex problem-solving activity. Since 2012 Ivor has been intensively researching the root causes of modern chronic disease. A particular focus has been on cardiovascular disease, diabetes
Ivor’s recently published book “Eat Rich, Live Long” (co-authored with preventative medicine expert Jeffry Gerber MD, FAAFP), details the conclusions of their shared research. It comprehensively addresses the actions needed to reverse our modern disease epidemics: https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Rich-Live-Long-Mastering/dp/1628602732/
All of Ivor’s public lectures and interviews are available on his YouTube channel, where around 2 million views have been recorded to date: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPn4FsiQP15nudug9FDhluA.
His blog and other content is available at http://www.thefatemperor.com/subscribe where subscription is free and the science is rock-solid.
Ivor lives in Dublin, Ireland, with his wife and five children.